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Building a WebSocket server

Every PartyKit server accepts WebSocket connections by default:

import type * as Party from "partykit/server";
export default class WebSocketServer implements Party.Server {}

You can connect to it using the PartySocket client library.

import PartySocket from "partysocket";
// connect to our server
const partySocket = new PartySocket({
host: "localhost:1999",
room: "my-room"
// send a message to the server
partySocket.send("Hello everyone");
// print each incoming message from the server to console
partySocket.addEventListener("message", (e) => {

This will automatically open a WebSocket connection to the PartyKit server at ws://localhost:1999/party/my-room, and send a greeting message.

The room id, in this case "my-room", uniquely identifies the room that you’re connecting to. Each time you use a new room id, a new PartyServer instance is created.

This means that two clients connecting with the same room id will always be connected to the same server and can communicate to each other. In other words, creating new server instances is as easy as using a new id.

Handling incoming messages

However, the server doesn’t do anything yet! Let’s fix that by adding an onMessage handler that receives all incoming messages, and sends them along to all other connected clients:

export default class WebSocketServer implements Party.Server {
constructor(readonly room: Party.Room) {}
onMessage(message: string, sender: Party.Connection) {
// send the message to all connected clients
for (const conn of {
if ( !== {
conn.send(`${} says: ${message}`);

Now, every connected client will instantly see the same message in their browser console:

07f60783-d421-4ce4-a408-5e1c0588c2d2 says: Hey everyone!

This works, because the Room maintains references to all connected clients. You can access them using the Room.getConnections() method.

This pattern is called “broadcasting” — a message from one client is received and sent to everyone. In fact, this use case is so common that PartyKit includes a broadcast utility method that does the same thing as the for...of loop through connections.;

The above can be simplified to:

export default class WebSocketServer implements Party.Server {
constructor(readonly room: Party.Room) {}
onMessage(message: string, sender: Party.Connection) {, []);

That’s it! We’ve implemented a simple WebSocket broadcast server in just 5 lines of code.

Handling connection events

Let’s make our server a little friendlier and notify other members when new users connect and disconnect:

export default class WebSocketServer implements Party.Server {
constructor(readonly room: Party.Room) {}
// when a client sends a message
onMessage(message: string, sender: Party.Connection) {
// send it to everyone else, []);
// when a new client connects
onConnect(connection: Party.Connection) {
// welcome the new joiner
connection.send(`Welcome, ${}`);
// let everyone else know that a new connection joined`Heads up! ${} joined the party!`, [
// when a client disconnects
onClose(connection: Party.Connection) {`So sad! ${} left the party!`);

Now, when you connect to the server, you’ll see the following message:

Welcome, 07f60783-d421-4ce4-a408-5e1c0588c2d2

And every other connected client will see the following:

Heads up! 07f60783-d421-4ce4-a408-5e1c0588c2d2 joined the party!

Putting into action

That’s all it takes to create a real-time WebSocket server with PartyKit. To learn more about common patterns and uses cases, head over to the Examples section.