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Serving static assets

This page provides a walkthrough on serving static assets (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and others) from a PartyKit project.

Serving static assets

You can pass a static assets path via CLI: --serve path/to/assets or add it to your partykit.json:

"serve": "path/to/assets"

While PartyKit defaults should satisfy most needs, you can override some optional configs:

"serve": {
"path": "path/to/assets",
// cache in the browser
browserTTL: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // any number of seconds
// cache on the edge
edgeTTL: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // any number of seconds
// serve in "single page app" mode
singlePageApp: true
// COMING SOON: exclude files from being served
exclude: ["**/*.map"] // PartyKit already excludes dotfiles and node_modules
// COMING SOON: include files to be served
include: ["**/*.map"]

Passing build field

Modern apps usually need a compiler of some kind, for example, for TypeScript, JSX, bundle splitting, and so on. PartyKit addresses this need. Pass a build field:

// ...
"serve": {
"path": "path/to/assets",
// ...
"build": "path/to/entry.ts"

You can further customize the build command by passing additional configuration arguments:

// ...
"serve": {
"path": "path/to/assets",
// ...
"build": {
"entry": "path/to/entry.ts", // can also be an array of paths
"bundle": true, // bundle all dependencies, defaults to true
"splitting": true, // split bundles, defaults to true
"outdir": "path/to/outdir", // defaults to serve.path + "dist"
"minify": true, // minify bundles, defaults to false in dev and to true in deploy
"format": "esm", // "esm" | "cjs" | "iife", default "esm"
"sourcemap": true, // generate sourcemaps, defaults to true
"define": {
// define global constants, defaults to {}
"": "123"
// you can pass values via the CLI with --define key=value
"external": ["react", "react-dom"], // externalize modules, defaults to []
"loader": {
// configure loaders, defaults to {}
".png": "file" // see for more info

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