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Add WebSockets

In the previous step, you’ve connected your PartyKit server and the UI. In this step you’ll add WebSockets connection into the mix.

Establish a WebSocket connection

Navigate to the PollUI file, which renders the poll (see online in the starter or the finished code).

Before you move forward, please uncomment the following import line at the top of the file so you can use the partysocket package:

import usePartySocket from "partysocket/react";

Since PollUI is not a server component, the connection will be established directly from the user’s device.

Add this hook between the state setters and the sendVote method:

const socket = usePartySocket({
room: id,
onMessage(event) {
const message = JSON.parse( as Poll;
if (message.votes) {

Let’s go over the code above. PartyKit comes with usePartySocket, a React hook for WebSockets. Notice that the id is a prop containing the the same poll id created a moment ago. In this way, the WebSocket will connect to the right poll.

The onMessage callback is called when you receive a WebSocket message from the PartyKit server. In this case, you want the vote counter to be updated. To do so, you parse the message from the server and update the local component state, which triggers the UI update.

Send the votes when the user clicks the button

Now that you have started a WebSocket connection, modify the existing sendVote function. Add the following code which enables the button to send the selected vote data:

const sendVote = (option: number) => {
if (vote === null) {
socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "vote", option }));

Next steps

The votes are now recorded in real time but the point of the app should also immediately show the new votes. In the next step, you will broadcast them to all connected users.

🎈 If you’d like to check how your code compares to the finished app, check the finished code online 🎈