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Using multiple parties per project

By default, each PartyKit project defines one party called main:

"name": "multiparty",
"main": "src/server.ts"

In addition to the main party, each project can define any number of additional parties using the parties configuration key in its partykit.json:

"name": "multiparty",
"main": "src/server.ts",
"parties": {
"user": "src/user.ts",
"connections": "src/connections.ts"

This is useful for:

  • Splitting unrelated functionality into different servers while deploying them together
  • Composing larger systems from multiple parties that communicate with each other

Accessing parties via HTTP or WebSocket

Each party is exposed at /parties/:party/:room-id, where the party path segment is the name of the party defined in partykit.json.

To connect to a party using PartySocket, specify the party name in the party argument:

const partySocket = new PartySocket({
room: "room-id",
party: "connections"

Composing with multiple parties

Composing larger applications from multiple parties can be very useful when you want to manage information at different levels of granularity.

Accessing parties from other parties

All parties of the project are exposed on the Party object, accessible using the name defined in partykit.json.

Let’s say you’ve created a "user" party to store user and session state on a per-user basis, for example user preferences, e-commerce shopping cart, or similar. Each room (an instance of the party) is distinguishable by its id.

You can communicate with any room:

const userParty =;
const userRoom = userParty.get(userId);
// make an HTTP request to the room
const res = await userRoom.fetch({ method: "GET" });
// or open a WebSocket connection to the room to listen to messages
const socket = await userRoom.socket();

Example: Tracking connections across rooms

Let’s now look at a more fleshed-out example.

Let’s say you want to keep track of all room instances, and see how many active connections there are to each room.

You can define a connections party that keeps track of the number of active connections when it receives an update via an HTTP POST request:

export default class Rooms implements Party.Server {
connections: Record<string, number> | undefined;
constructor(readonly party: Party) {}
async onRequest(request: Party.Request) {
// read from storage
this.connections =
this.connections ?? (await"connections")) ?? {};
// update connection count
if (request.method === "POST") {
const update = await request.json();
const count = this.connections[update.roomId] ?? 0;
if (update.type === "connect")
this.connections[update.roomId] = count + 1;
if (update.type === "disconnect")
this.connections[update.roomId] = Math.max(0, count - 1);
// notify any connected listeners
// save to storage
await"connections", this.connections);
// send connection counts to requester
return new Response(JSON.stringify(this.connections));

Any other party can notify the connections party of connection/disconnection events by calling fetch:

export default class Server implements Party.Server {
constructor(readonly room: Party.Room) {}
async onConnect(connection: Party.Connection, ctx: Party.ConnectionContext) {
this.updateConnections("connect", connection);
async onClose(connection: Party.Connection) {
this.updateConnections("disconnect", connection);
async updateConnections(
type: "connect" | "disconnect",
connection: Party.Connection
) {
// get handle to a shared room instance of the "connections" party
const connectionsParty =;
const connectionsRoomId = "active-connections";
const connectionsRoom = connectionsParty.get(connectionsRoomId);
// notify room by making an HTTP POST request
await connectionsRoom.fetch({
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({